
About us


For the 44th EUROSAI Governing Board Meeting that took place 13-14 June, 2016 National Audit Office of Lithuania addressed the Governing Board with the Official Letter in order to establish a Task Force on Municipality Audit within EUROSAI (EUROSAI TFMA). EUROSAI Governing Board agreed to establish the EUROSAI TFMA, official activities of which started with the EUROSAI TFMA Kick-off Meeting that took place 11-12 April, 2017 in Vilnius, Lithuania.

With the Resolution of the XII EUROSAI Congress that took place 27-28 May 2024, the EUROSAI TFMA was transformed into the Working Group on Municipality Audit (WGMA).

Vision of the Working Group on Municipality Audit (WGMA) is to become an active EUROSAI working group covering relevant questions in the sphere of auditing municipalities.

Our Mission is to create an open platform for sharing the best practice and experience on the municipality audit.

Our principles for effective work of the working group members:

  • showing initiative and taking responsibility,
  • respect for team work,
  • enthusiasm and seek for innovation.

The WGMA Strategic Goals for the period 2024-2027:

  • Strategic Goal I: “Facilitate dialogue with internal and external stakeholders”.
  • Strategic Goal II: “Promote professional cooperation on relevant topics in municipality audits”.
  • Strategic Goal III: “Endorse the exchange of practical experience of methods, innovative tools and technologies in municipal audits”.