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Implementing Strategic Goal I. Exchanging the best practice and experience to reach audit results that have a substantial impact on improving public financial management, the EUROSAI TFMA publishes the second Audit Compendium, focusing on recent audits and overviews related to municipal real estate management.

The Audit Compendium contains information, provided by ten Supreme Audit Institutions and summarises the results of audits and overviews grouped by three main areas: mistakes/shortcomings related to real estate accounting, irregularities/shortcomings related to compliance (of real estate) with the law and problems/shortcomings related to the efficiency of real estate management. We hope that this Audit Compendium will raise awareness of the audit work done by TFMA countries and will be a useful for everyone interested in municipal real estate management.

We invite you to take a look at the Audit Compendium “Municipal Real Estate Management”.